--The Beginning--

April 2nd, 2060

Well, it's Friday. Gotta check the yard.

[Gets up, and does so. He sees it needs mowing.]

Yep. Got to get working.

[Listens to music as he does the routine. He later takes a small break, and exhales.]

Just a little more. And I'll have the weekend with Anna.

[After his break is over, he continues, finishing after another break.]

Alright. Now for the disposing.

[Does so and heads inside once done to clean himself up.]

Have you finished, Carl?

Yes. That took forever.

I can imagine. I'll get food ready while you shower.

Sounds great. Thank you.

No problem!

Thanks. Good food as always.

Yeah, thank you, mom!

Thanks for the food!

No problem, Carl, Frances, Tyson.

And how's school?

Oh. It's great! Glad to learn history.

Eh, it's okay I suppose. I don't do anything much during recess.

Have you gotten homework?

No, mom. I'm all good.

Great work.

I do. But not much.

It's important you get it done, okay?

I know, mom. I know.

Okay. So, Frances, would you like to see a movie tomorrow?

YES! Please.

Alright then. How about you?




I think I'll pass, dad.

Okay then.

April 3rd, 2060

[Is driving]

[Is excited]

Can I play in the arcade after the movie?!

Yes, you can.


[We cut to the theater.]

We're not getting anything too crazy from here. We'll be going to a drive-thru after the movie's over.

Alright! Can we get something for Tyson, as well?

We're getting him something too, don't worry.


Greetings, sir. How are things today?

Busy, but good otherwise! Thanks for asking! What can I get you all?

No problem. Just some popcorn, size large, please.

Okay, and anything else?

No, that'll be it. Thank you.

You're welcome. It's coming right up!

[Goes to fill three large buckets.]

Man, I wish Tyson could've come...

I know, sweetie. But he's got to do his work, you know?



Here y'all go! Enjoy your movie!

Thank you for your services, sir.

My pleasure!

[They get their buckets, with Anna being the last one.]

Hey, wait! Anna? Is that you?

Huh? Oh! William?! I didn't know you were an employee here! What a pleasant surprise!

Is that your daughter?! I didn't know you became a mother!



Didn't think I'd get the chance to.

Well, congratulations! I wish you luck on your new path, Anna.

Thank you so much!

You're welcome! Enjoy your movie!

[They then watch the big screen, which goes through previews. When the movie finally starts, they begin eating their popcorn.]

This movie is gonna be good!!



[Imagine movie scenes here.]

[The family next heads to the arcade.]

That was a fun movie!

Definitely. Now, have fun in there! Don't take too long!

I won't!

[Looks around, and sees a game, Space Invaders. She inserts coins, and begins to play with a passionate intensity. After a long while of playing, she gets a huge high score.]


Oh my! You've beaten the board! Wow!

That's impressive!

Heh heh!

Well, let's get going, okay? Can't keep Tyson waiting.


[They are next at a drive thru, where they order food to take home, which is their final destination for the day.]

Tyson! We're back!

[Gets out from his room.]

Oh! What's in the bags?

Take out. Eat while they're still warm.

Sweet! Thanks!

You're welcome.

[They then eat the food and do their activities before going to bed.]

April 5th, 2060

Be good, Frances and Tyson!

Yes, mom!

We will! I'll be sure to get my work in!

[They hug and kiss their parents goodbye before heading in the school.]

[Once inside, he heads to the gym while waiting for the bell.]


[There, Frances plays off against many other kids, and Tyson spectates.]

[Looks at Tyson.]

Hey, you! Why won't you play?

I'm not interested. Just here to watch my little sister.

Come on! Where's the thrill?!

[Throws ball at Tyson.]

[Catches, and sighs.]


Yes, really! Come on! Don't be lame.

Fine. Let's do this.

[They play off against each other, which Frances does notice while doing the same with more than two. The bell eventually rings, putting a stop to the activities.]

See? Was that so bad?

I mean, no, but...



I would've liked my space.

Come on. You can't just watch all the time! Where's the fun in that?! You're boring.

[Walks to them.]

Hey! I saw you play! That's a first!

[Points to the kid.]

He started it. His fault. He forced me into this.

Wha- You can't do that to me! YOU JERK!

[Walks away with his backpack now on, ignoring the kid, choosing to focus on work.]

Don't mind him. He prefers to get important stuff done.




But what about after? What does he do? Do nothing?!

Not nothing, but he does do research into topics and watch educational stuff.

What does he do with that, then? Just note it down?

Yes and no. He turns the information into a nice concept map.

If I recall correctly, each question he asked allowed for much further teaching.

Is that so? Huh. Can I see one of them?

Uh, I'll show you later. I got class. I can show you during recess!

Oh! Darn, I need to get my stuff too! Okay! See you later!


[Gets to class as fast as she reasonably can after getting her backpack.]

[Tyson turns in his homework, and what follows is a series of lectures. We then cut to recess.]

[Is sitting in the cafeteria, eating her lunch.]

Ah. There you are.

[Sits down by her.]

So, can you show me, please?

Hm? Show you wh- Oh! Yeah. Hang on.

[Gets a concept map out of a folder in her backpack, and shows it to him.]


You're welcome.

[Looks at it.]

Oh, whoa! The details! A lot of thought and time must've went into this! Wow!

Indeed. He pays attention to every little bit. Each question he asks, if any, are always really good ones.

Yeah. I kind of regret what I did earlier now. That was really stupid of me.

I'm sure he'll forgive you. Anyway, can I have it back, please?

Oh, sure.

[Returns it to her.]

Here you go.


[Takes it and puts the concept map back in her folder, which she puts back in her backpack.]

You're welcome.

[Once done, she notices fighting out the cafeteria.]

Hey, what the?!

[Runs out of the cafeteria, where she sees two bullies beating up a kid with dark skin.]


[Looks at her.]

Pfft. What will you do, little girl?

Let me at her. I'll show red hair over there.

I have a name, you know!

So? I don't care. I can call you what I like.

Leave the boy alone! NOW!

What I do to y'all?!

Be black.

SERIOUSLY?! Over something that small?!


[Goes to try and pull on Frances' hair, who is slippery enough to avoid him.]

[While watching, he gets the staff involved as Frances goes to help defend the victim.]

Stay STILL! Let me pull that long hair!

Not a chance!

[Kicks him away and gets their victim out of there.]

Jeez, thank you!

No problem!


[As the bullies chase Frances, they are quick to notice adults walk towards them, with a kid behind them clicking his tongue. They look at each other, knowing they've been caught.]

[Taps his foot in disappointment.]

What do you think you're doing?!

[Seeing them try to run away, he grabs them, and takes the bullies to the office, where he calls their parents to take them home early as punishment.]

You kids know better. You're kicked from the school for three weeks. Got that?

But, Principal Stone! What about her?! She-

Zip it! Frances was doing that to protect Kevin, whom you made victim. Don't try that with me. You're out of here. Go. You have to show me you've improved when you come back here.

[The bullies are then taken home for an off-screen home punishment. We cut to the nurse's office.]

Hey, girl, what's your name?

It's Frances, and you are?

Oh, Frances... I got you. The name's Kevin Samuel King. And no, not like MLK. I'm not related to him.


How did I forget? My name is Tobias Landon Stone. But, please call me Landon. Thanks.

Oh, Stone.



Hey, wait a minute, is that why you look like the Principal?

He's.. my father. But, please don't view me as special. I'm not.

Well, since we're sharing full names, I'll give mine. I'm Frances Colton Kage. Call me my first name, please.

[Is treating Kevin's wounds. She looks at Frances while doing so.]

Pretty. That's not a common middle name.

It's not? Huh. You learn something new every day.




April 6th, 2060

[We cut to a hospital room.]

[Is there, having been diagnosed with a form of cancer.]

[Is by her with his father.]


Mother... Please.. make it.

[As if answering a prayer, she soon wakes up, looking at her husband and son.]

Hey, honey. Hey, Carl.

[Along with his dad, he hugs Melissa.]

Whoa, whoa, easy, guys!

Please promise us you'll make it...

[Returns the hug.]

I can't promise anything. I'm sorry.

[She looks up, seeing her doctors come in.]

[The doctors, seeing her awake, perform check ups on Melissa, and then scan her, with the first one showing... no signs of cancer? How? They repeat the scans, coming to the same result each time.]

[Even rebooting the scanners doesn't change the result.]

How is this possible? There should be indications of cancer. I even diagnosed her! What's going on?!

It's like it... vanished! It's gone!

Wait, what?!

And not just that, but her aging seems to have halted too... Something strange had just happened. I don't know what it is.

Yeah, me neither!

[Begins to walk to them.]

Are you doctors INSANE?! Cancer doesn't just vanish like that!

We scanned multiple times, man! I don't know what to tell you!

Calm down, sir. Please. Sit down.

[Is standing face to face with them.]




[Sighs, and does that.]

Sorry for my outburst. I just really care about her. That's all.

No need to apologize! I understand why you acted that way. But listen, there really is no sign of cancer! We're just as confused as you are!

We scanned multiple times. We're medical professionals. We know what we're talking about. And don't ask how it disappeared. We have no idea. A reboot should've fixed any error or mistake.

It still spat the same result out. Meaning it's not a mistake.

[Feels a vibration. He gets his phone, seeing a confused notification.]

[Notification: I'm not going crazy, right?! My patient's sickness has disappeared into thin air! Please tell me I'm not insane! PLEASE!]

[Response: You're not the only one. My patient's cancer had vanished! This is so weird!]

[Response 2: Wait, this isn't a fluke?!]

[Response: I can strangely confirm that this is not a fluke. Brian and I even rebooted our scanners. We still got the same result. Aging also seems to have stopped. This is the strangest day ever.]

[What follows is a mass release of patients never before seen. Everyone is... well? All of a sudden? This strange event is also covered on many news outlets.]

[We next cut to the school cafeteria of earlier.]

[Is stting with Landon and Frances.]

Have any of y'all seen the news?

Yes. I can't believe it. Are diseases really no more?

Wait, what's going on?!

People stopped getting sick, man! What a weird time!

Are you serious right now?!

I'm double serious, Frances! I ain't playing with you!

Wonder what will happen now...

I don't know... What the heck?!














































































Chapter 2